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Found 9362 results for any of the keywords professor of english. Time 0.013 seconds.
www.ijelr.inDept of English (Retd) Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Andhra Pradesh, India Research Area: American Literature, African literature
RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATUREWelcome to RJELAL Submission: Aritle in MS Word format submit to
Current IssueVol.12 Issue 4: 2024 (October to Decemebr issue)
Archives | Research Ambition an International MultidiscGuest Edited by: Dr. Jamal Moh'd Al-Sayed Alawi (Jamal Al-Sayed) (Assistant Professor of English at Aden University, Saber Colleges of Education, covering courses in English Literature in the Colleges of Education: Saber
Archives | Research Ambition an International MultidiscGuest Edited by: Dr. Jamal Moh'd Al-Sayed Alawi (Jamal Al-Sayed) (Assistant Professor of English at Aden University, Saber Colleges of Education, covering courses in English Literature in the Colleges of Education: Saber
Modern Jewish PoetryProfessor of English and student of poetry and Judaism has collected 100+ modern Jewish poems (none older than 50 years), all in English (some in translation). Her book, courses, and learning aids are described.
Holy Cross Magazine | Holy Cross MagazineDebra Gettelman, associate professor of English, weighs in on what moves us (and what doesn t) in Charles Dickens famous tale of reconciliation and redemption.
English Journal onlineCall For papers-Vol.12.issue 6. Under Progress-Call For Papers/Review Board Members
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)Journal Keywords: English Literature Journal, Print Journal, Linguistics Journal, ELT Journal, International Journal of English Literature, Indian Journal, English Literature Journal, Online English Jour
New Exhibition Tracks Influence of Geoffrey Chaucer Across the CenturiA new Chaucer Here and Now exhibition explores the lasting influence of Geoffrey Chaucer and charts how this unconventional poet who came to be known as the ‘Father of English Literature’ has recently been reclaimed by d
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